Brezilya Belediye Meclis Üyesi Janaina Lima, Ofisinden Tuvalet ve Lavaboyu Söktü
T24 Dış Haberler
Brezilya’nın Sao Paulo şehrinde meclis üyeliği görevi sona eren Janaina Lima, seçimi kaybetmesinin ardından ofisinden bir tuvalet ve iki lavaboyu söktü. Bu olay, sosyal medyada paylaşılınca gündem oldu. Lima, olayın ardından yaptığı açıklamada, kendi kaynaklarıyla satın aldığı tuvalet ve lavaboyu bağışlamaya karar verdiğini belirtti. “Ne benim ne danışmanlarımın tuvalet ihtiyacı olduğu açık” diyen Lima, banyo yenileme masraflarını kendi cebinden karşıladığını vurguladı.
According to BBC, Lima, in her statement on social media, claimed that she personally funded the bathroom renovation work and therefore it did not belong to the municipal council.
Lima stated that the legal unit at the time had advised her to remove everything placed personally from the office, and she had followed this advice.
“I will use public toilets until the situation is resolved”
In an interview with Brazil’s G1 website, Lima mentioned that the building’s water plumbing was “sensitive,” and the glass partition and lighting she had purchased would remain in her office for the next occupant to use.
Lima’s term as a municipal council member from the New Party ended on January 1st. As per the 2024 election results, Adrilles Jorge from the Workers’ Party will take over the said position.
Jorge, who formally took office on Monday, stated to G1 that until the situation is resolved, he will use a ‘public toilet’.
Jorge remarked, “I visited the office and thought the architecture was beautiful. But they removed everything, even the toilet and the sink. She didn’t tell me about this. This was something I would have asked her about.”
Municipal Council President Ricardo Teixeira also stated that ‘appropriate measures’ will be taken.
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